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I'm Anthony, my mates call me Anto :D I'm 18 and live in Dublin. Currently a student in IADT studying Applied Psychology.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Article 2: The World Now Has 4 Billion Phone Users

This is a summary from the article ‘The World Now Has Four Billion Mobile Phone Users’ extracted from http://www.itwire.com/it-industry-news/market/27107-the-world-now-has-4-billion-mobile-phone-users and relates to an area of technology which interests me, which are mobile phones.
This article evidentially shows the importance of mobile phones in everyday life as two - thirds of the world’s population now uses a mobile phone. The spread of this technology is a cause of continuing strong growth in newly industrialised countries and the continuing demand for mobile data booming across Europe, Japan and the United States of America.

This growth of mobile phone users is speedy as seen in this article, as in 2008 the number of mobile phone users in the world was twelve per cent less than in 2009 with an outstanding 4.4 billion people using mobile phones. This rapid growth is nearly surpassing the total population of the world. This article emphasises the growth of mobile phone users especially in developing countries, which is surprisingly where the strongest growth takes place. For example in the future, India is expected to increase in mobile phone users by thirty – two per cent and by fourteen per cent in Brazil according to this article. This emphasises the demand and ever swift growth of mobile phones, therefore it is no wonder why it is an area of technology that interests me.

I chose to do a summary of this article because mobile phones are an area of technology that interests me. Mobile phones are a big part of my generation and a big part of my life as I use it for all the right reasons. I picked this article from 2009 on purpose to show the importance of mobile phones in the modern world. This article clearly achieves that goal as in 2009 there was 4.4 billion phone users contrastingly to the year after as in 2010 mobile phone users reached 5.28 billion nearly surpassing the current population of just over 7 billion which further identifies why mobile phones are such a vital medium of modern communication. The interesting thing about mobile phones and this article is that from the figures represented there are more people in the world with access to a mobile phone than the Internet. This captivated me as I thought it would of being the other way around. From this article I take that mobile phones create a huge part of people’s lives to the point where everyone wants one. This is because it provides the owner with services that may be of great support to the individual and allows that person to remain in instant contact with whoever they may want to. Although this opinion and summary of this article show the positives of mobile phones, there can also be negatives which can be seeing in the blog below titled ‘Text Bullying’.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 5.28 billion phone users in 2010! thats a lot more then i thought, and thats back in 2010.

  3. can't believe there is almost as many phones as people! scary!!

  4. The other 1.72 billion must feel pure left out.
